Yoghurt bacteria

Difference Between Dahi and Yoghurt

Este utilă această traducere? Adaugă la favorite! Definiţia cuvântului "yogurt": 1. Semisolid, fermented, often flavoured milk food.

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Yogurt is known and consumed yoghurt bacteria almost all parts of the world. It is traditionally made by adding common strains of Streptococcus and Lactobacillus bacteria to raw milk.

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The culture is produced by taking a portion of a previous batch. In modern commercial yogurt making, a blend of concentrated sterilized milk and milk solids is inoculated with the two bacteria; sometimes L.

Yoghurt bacteria

The product is then incubated four or five hours at — °F 43—44 °C until curd forms. Various flavours yoghurt bacteria sweetening may be added. Yogurt may be made from the milk of cows, sheep, goats or water buffalo.

Cow's milk is used in the United States and north-central Europe; sheep's and goat's milk are preferred in Turkey and southeastern Europe; milk from the water buffalo is most commonly used in Egypt and India.

Yogurt may have originated in Turkey, although there are many stories about its discovery. It is made in Turkish homes by boiling milk in an uncovered pan to sterilize it and to evaporate water; after cooling, the milk is inoculated with yogurt from a previous batch, incubated a few hours, then slowly cooled to room temperature before use.

Commercial dairies usually add milk solids to cow's milk to make yogurt with a custardlike consistency. Concentrated sterilized milk is inoculated with Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus; sometimes L.

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This inoculated milk is then incubated four or five hours at about 43 to 44 C to F until curd forms. Various yoghurt bacteria and sweetening may be added or natural yogurt may be mixed with fresh fruits or vegetables.

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A salad of yogurt, cucumbers and spices is served in India raita and several Middle Eastern countries jajik. Yogurt is also used in soups and sauces. A common dish made of milk curdled and fermented with a culture of Lactobacillus the milk bacillus.

Apasă pentru a vedea traducerea automată a definiției în Română. Iaurt Yogurt Iaurtul, iaurtul sau iaurtul este un produs lactat fermentat produs prin fermentarea bacteriană a laptelui. Bacteriile folosite pentru a face iaurtul sunt cunoscute sub numele de "culturi de iaurt". Fermentarea lactozei de către aceste bacterii produce acid lactic, care acționează asupra proteinei din lapte pentru a da iaurtului textura și caracterul său caracteristic.

The word was acquired in the s from Turkey. It can be spelled myriad ways including yogurt, yoghurt, yaghourt, yooghurt, yughard, and yaourt.

Yoghurt bacteria

The most popular spellings in the Anglo-Saxon world are yogurt and yoghurt while in France one eats yaourt. Te rugăm sa votezi definiţia cuvântului "yogurt" care este cea mai utilă pentru tine.

Dicţionarul conţine următoarele traduceri în irlandeză pentru "yogurt": Engleză.

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